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 Prophetic Ministry- PPM0012879

Course Description

This course is designed to help the student examine and learn to identify the Marks of a True Prophet who is called by God to the body of Christ.  At the conclusion of this class, all students should be able to identify A Grace gift Prophet, the gifts, assignment to the church, operations, prophetic order and why they are still needed in the Church.

KEMI School of Prophetic Ministry

SKU: PPM0012879
Price Options
One-time purchase
Prophetic Ministry
School of the Prophets
$50.00every month for 6 months
    • Prerequisites

    The Holy Spirit and His gifts. The Ministry Gifts.

    • Required Resource Purchases

    Clark, Jonas   Xtreme prophetic Studies, Prophecy without Permission, Next Level Prophetic, Unlocking Prophetic Imaginations.  Allen, Michelle, Spiritual Warfare Manual 1&2,

    Audio Lectures/ Video Recordings:  Various KEMI Instructors

    Disclaimer: The above resource(s) provide information consistent with the latest research regarding the subject area. Kingdom Empowerment Ministry Institute does not necessarily endorse specific personal, religious, philosophical, or political positions found in these texts.

    • Additional Materials for Learning

      Computer with internet access (broadband recommended)

      Microsoft Word

      Student Black Board Account





    Measurable Learning Outcomes

    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    • Demonstrate an understanding of the need for Prophets.

      Identify the purpose for Prophets in the body of Christ.

      Identify specific Gifts and their operations/ functions.

      Describe how the Prophets work together with the other ministry gifts and why.

      Identify the Spiritual Gifts and the functions that come with the office of the prophet Function in the body of Christ, according to the grace given to them by the Holy Spirit.

      Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding to support the belief that the Spiritual   gifts must be evident in the life of Christians, and that they are needed today.

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